The US Navy has awarded Vericor Power Systems a contract to produce an additional 24 ETF40B marine gas turbine propulsion engines for the Landing Craft Air Cushion Service Life Extension Program. The SLEP extends the service life of the US Navy's LCAC from 20 to 30 years and among other advantages, reduces the craft's life cycle cost by improving reliability and maintainability, and increasing survivability. The higher power ETF40B engines also allow the LCAC to perform its mission in hotter climates and with heavier loads.
Richard Clinton, Vericor President and CEO says "The ETF40B marine gas turbine is one of the "work horse" engines in the Navy's fleet. The Navy relies on this engine to deliver reliable operation and consistent performance in the worst of operating conditions.The LCAC SLEP has been in service since 2001, and we're proud that year-after-year it's the ETF40B engine powering this craft."
Vericor will be delivering these engines in 2016 and 2017 continuing its leadership role in providing dependable and rugged marine propulsion engines to navies around the world.