SUCCESS STORYVertical Gas Turbine Pump: Gas turbine provides quick start for flood control
Vericor’s vertical ASE40V Gas Turbine packs 3.0MW of pumping power into a small footprintMore About Vericor's ASE40V
The Challenge
Provide quick-start, reliable power to flood control pump with limited floor space
Vericor's Solution
Install Vericor’s ASE40V Gas Turbine on top of a vertical pump
The Results
High power pumping with variable power turbine speeds capable of emptying a backyard pool in less than 4 seconds
The high volume of flood water produced by typhoons quickly fills low-lying areas and rivers in limited space areas of Japan. The local municipalities identified a need for a fast starting and high volume pumping system to quickly and reliably remove the flood waters from the affected areas. The limited available space in certain highly developed regions of Japan required a pump design that occupied a very small footprint, yet provided sufficient pumping power to remove the deluge of water from typhoons.
Vericor’s packager in Japan designed an effective solution and installed several vertical pump packages using the Vericor ASE40V Gas Turbine.
The ASE40V engine is capable of starting from stop to full load in less than one minute and can switch fuels from gas to liquid on the fly, giving remarkable flexibility to the operators to mitigate unknown power and fuel outages in this critical application.
Vericor’s packager in Japan designed an effective solution and installed several vertical pump packages using the Vericor ASE40V Gas Turbine.
The ASE40V engine is capable of starting from stop to full load in less than one minute and can switch fuels from gas to liquid on the fly, giving remarkable flexibility to the operators to mitigate unknown power and fuel outages in this critical application.

Product Spotlight
The Vericor ASE40V aero-derivative industrial gas turbine is used for power generation and mechanical drive applications across a range of industries such as oil & gas, industrial, commercial and institutional.