SUCCESS STORYGas Turbine Boost Power: Higher Speed for Naval and Commercial Vessels
Performance boats in the 30 to 60 meter range can be simply transformed with the
addition of a simple TF marine gas turbine boost package.More On Vericor's TF50B
addition of a simple TF marine gas turbine boost package.
The Challenge
Increasing vessel speed without making dramatic design changes or increasing vessel weight.
Vericor's Solution
A single Vericor TF50 center boost marine gas turbine package
The Results
Additional 5000 hp of installed power and higher speed with addition of one shaft line. Power switched on when high speed is desired. Minimal added weight.
As a designer or a builder you may be asked by a prospective client, whether it is a foreign navy or simply a performance minded yacht owner, “can 10 more knots be added to that top speed?” With a center boost Vericor Twin TF Marine Gas Turbine Package the answer to that can be “yes”.
By adding a gas turbine center boost shaft line and reducing the size of the two diesel engines originally planned, a substantial amount of power can be added while decreasing the overall weight of the propulsion system. That translates to added speed.
For the naval architect and the operator, the advantages are numerous:
• Vericor marine gas turbines operate on diesel fuel and are controlled from the bridge just like conventional diesel engines.
• Gas turbines operate waterjets or props just like diesel engines.
• The gas turbine can be brought on line once underway and only
used for high speed segment of the trip.
• Gas turbine horsepower is lighter than diesel horsepower. It’s that simple.
By adding a gas turbine center boost shaft line and reducing the size of the two diesel engines originally planned, a substantial amount of power can be added while decreasing the overall weight of the propulsion system. That translates to added speed.
For the naval architect and the operator, the advantages are numerous:
• Vericor marine gas turbines operate on diesel fuel and are controlled from the bridge just like conventional diesel engines.
• Gas turbines operate waterjets or props just like diesel engines.
• The gas turbine can be brought on line once underway and only
used for high speed segment of the trip.
• Gas turbine horsepower is lighter than diesel horsepower. It’s that simple.

Product Spotlight
Marine Gas Turbine
The TF Series marine gas turbine engines offer the ideal solution for marine power where compact size and light weight can be translated to faster vessel speed, greater payload, or simply more power per foot of machinery space.