Marine Propulsion
For high performance vessels
Vericor’s marine propulsion systems provide faster vessel speed, enable greater payloads and deliver more power per square foot of machinery space than comparable diesel solutions. When vessel speed is critical and space is a premium, our gas turbines are an ideal solution.
Industrial Power Generation
Reliable and compact power generation systems
Vericor aero-derivative gas turbine solutions are high power density meaning they generate a large amount of power in a compact, light-weight footprint allowing for installation in locations where space is limited. These units can be started and stopped as needed without reduction in life allowing users the flexibility to easily meet varying power requirements. In addition, they can operate on natural gas or liquid fuel.
Oil & Gas
Proven performance and reliability in demanding environments
Oil & Gas applications are located in some of the harshest environments in the world. With over twenty years of service, Vericor’s products have earned a reputation for reliability and durability. The compact size, flexible design and world-class service make it easy to see why Vericor products are sought after, particularly for driving hydraulic fracturing pumps and generating electric power.
SEE PRODUCTSThe legacy of Vericors’ Gas Turbines
Vericor Applications
- Dr. - Ing Frank Rick Vice President Engineering